Flawed-Democratic Federation of Malaysia
Kedah Darul Aman
Pulau Langkawi
Sri Lagenda Tower +60125914359 jaliza.sri.lagenda@gmail.com
Furnished apartment no. 9-14 on 9th floor for MYR 1,000.- or US$ 320.- per month, incl. swimming pool and stunning bay views over the Malacca Strait and the off-lying islands Pulau Tuba, Pulau Dayang Bunting and Pulau Singa Besar.
Greeting the upcoming New Year 2012 CE, certainly an exciting year with its prophesied cataclysmic and transformative events which will supposedly occur on December 21st, but worrying less about the various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date than more about the negative side effects of more mundane, nonetheless scary events in 2012 CE which we consider as quite possible, e.g. (i) an increase in the US government’s debt ceiling up to US$ 20 trillion, (ii) violent anti-government and anti-austerity riots across the European welfare states, (iii) the foundation of a global “public body” which will govern the frequencies used for GPS-enabled RFIDs in humans, (iv) the chaotic and bloody house-of-cards collapse of the Gandhi regime in India, (v) more theocratic governments with strict sharia law in the Islamic countries of North Africa and the Middle East, and still wishing the very best for our third grandchild which will be born in this year, may you do well, dear grand-son/daughter!
“If we are worried about the future, then we must look today at the upbringing of our children.”
Stocking up with vital and proven supplies for our medicine cabinet: (i) Dettol solution, (ii) Bactroban ointment, (iii) Amoxicillin tablets, (iv) Ibuprofen/Paracetamol tablets (only for travels to the Islamic countries with their notorious shortage of booze) and (v) Tiger Balm; nothing else has ever been necessary in the last ten plus years of independent perpetual travelling.
Borrowing a rugged and reliable 1.5litre Proton Saga from our Kiwi friends Pam & John for a spontaneous farewell tour over the island (Paul Theroux: “ … tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travellers don’t know where they’re going ... ”) thus getting a last all-round perspective of rather touristy but still nice enough Pulau Langkawi, the perfect place for doing everything or nothing at all, and bidding goodbye to our close (ex-)yottie friends Deena & Jacob from “Crimson Tide” (a million thanks for a million favours and for your lasting friendship), Cathy & Jeff from SY “Mirage” (we are looking forward to our next game of jungle ball, maybe in Alaska), Liz & Al from SY “Sunflower” (we are admiring your unconditional friendliness and resourcefulness), Elizabeth & Ian from SY “Ad Astra” (good luck with the ongoing sale of your beautiful SY “Ad Astra”) and Pam & John (hasta la vista, we’ll be back).
Flying with Firefly (“Your Community Airline”) in an ATR 72-500 from Langkawi International Airport to Kuala Lumpur ’s Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport at Subang for the all-inclusive fare of MYR 99.- or US$ 31.60 per person, one way, and thereafter taking the local Rapid KL bus U 81 (MYR 2.50 per person) from the airport straight into the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s buzzing and sizzling Chinatown.
Click below for more blog posts about budget digs with a sparkling swimming pool
26 Feb - 06 May 2014 Siquijor
13 Mar - 18 Apr 2013 Bangkok
05 May - 07 May 2010 Krong Koh Kong
19 Nov - 18 Dec 2009 Lovina
04 Dec - 31 Dec 2008 Kuala Lumpur
26 Feb - 06 May 2014 Siquijor
13 Mar - 18 Apr 2013 Bangkok
05 May - 07 May 2010 Krong Koh Kong
19 Nov - 18 Dec 2009 Lovina
04 Dec - 31 Dec 2008 Kuala Lumpur
Click below for a summary of this year's travels
2012 Map Konni & Matt
2012 Map Konni & Matt
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