31 Aug - 02 Sep 2006 M. Thelemet

Northern Red Sea
Gulf of Suez
Marsa Thelemet
SY "Kamu II" at anchor, south of a concrete-ramp jetty, at 8 m depth, on soft sand.

Click below for an interactive satellite view of our anchorage:
N 29° 03.59' E 032° 38.22'

Hooking our first fish in the Red Sea - a big dorado aka dolphin-fish aka mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) that supplied us with sashimi, fishtong (dried fish), fish steaks, pickled fish and spicy oven-baked fish and vegetables for a couple of days.

Flying downwind in a strong northerly breeze and passing many oil rigs and drilling platforms in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Suez.

Click below for a summary of this year's travels
2006 Map Konni & Matt

Click below and see more Konni & Matt Pictures
Photos 2006-03 Suez to Aqaba

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