02 Sep - 06 Sep 2006 Ras Sheratib

Northern Red Sea
Gulf of Suez
Sinai Peninsula 
Ras Sheratib
East of Shab el Hasa
SY "Kamu II" at anchor, in the lee of the reef, at 7 m depth, on sand.

Click below for an interactive satellite view of our first reef anchorage:
N 28° 36.14' E 033° 11.70'

Joining a group of service vessels, tug boats and helicopter carriers from Belayim Oil Fields that was looking for shelter behind the reef from the waves of a three-day long 35-knot blow.

Leaving the uncharted wreck of MV “Misr Gulf IV” (N 28° 35.92’ E 033° 11.45’) at the southern end of reef Shab el Hasa 100 m on our starboard.

Click below for a summary of this year's travels
2006 Map Konni & Matt

Click below and see more Konni & Matt Pictures
Photos 2006-03 Suez to Aqaba

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