Toronto WorldPride Festival...
Partying together with tens of thousands of high-spirited LGBTTIQQ2SA people, many of them with a bold BMI, and realising that across the globe love-and-pride parades and sexual freedom are very sensitive and important indicators for human rights, civil liberties and interpersonal tolerance, both on the large and the small scale and regardless of your gender identity and/or sexual orientation - Happy Pride!
"The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself."
(Gore Vidal)
Strolling through the Village and checking out the hustle and bustle of the WorldPride Streetfair and Marketplace which offered stuff from some of Toronto's most fantastic artisans and a diverse selection of relevant goods and specific services for sale, from (i) contemporary female/female and male/male romance books via (ii) dildo-shaped water bottles to (iii) on-site counselling for fertility treatment to LGBT people (...offering mind-boggling ways that Adam and Steve will begat an offspring and that Eve and Evita will create miracles).
Strolling through the Village and checking out the hustle and bustle of the WorldPride Streetfair and Marketplace which offered stuff from some of Toronto's most fantastic artisans and a diverse selection of relevant goods and specific services for sale, from (i) contemporary female/female and male/male romance books via (ii) dildo-shaped water bottles to (iii) on-site counselling for fertility treatment to LGBT people (...offering mind-boggling ways that Adam and Steve will begat an offspring and that Eve and Evita will create miracles).
"The only queer people are those who don't love anybody.”
Konni: Revelling in the strength, diversity and passion of LGBTTIQQ2SA women and trans folk during the Dyke March, a grassroots event which is great fun, welcomes all self-identified dykes and includes all lesbian, bi and queer women, as well as two-spirit, trans and gender-variant dykes from across the spectrum.
Cheering the more than 12,000 marchers in over 350 participating groups of the fun, free and fabulous grand WorldPride 2014 Parade through a rainbow-filled downtown Toronto; kudos to all involved in the parade, great job!
Remembering the brave gay activists of the Stonewall Uprising in 1969 CE, the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement, realising the still ongoing fight for LBGT rights in many parts of the world, especially in the Islamic countries (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia), in India, in Russia, in Uganda and in Nigeria, and agreeing with the universal values of the international LGBT movement: Acceptance - Tolerance - Happiness - Harmony - Peace.
“Let's make a law that gay people can have birthdays, but straight people get more cake; you know, to send the right message to kids...”
For Raoni, Tien and Ronja:
Einmal im Jahr, zum Glueck mitten im schwuelen Hochsommer, feiert Toronto die wilde Pride Parade, eine wunderbare Mischung aus Freiheitsdemo, Schwulenkarneval und Nacktkultur. Wir waren mittendrin im Gewuehl und hatten viel Spass, zusammen und gemeinsam mit Zehntausenden von ausgelassenen Gleichgesinnten. Uns beiden war es ein Herzensbeduerfnis, das Anliegen und die Werte der Pride Parade zu unterstuetzen: Jeder Mensch hat das Recht und kann stolz darauf sein, einen anderen Menschen zu lieben, ganz egal, ob Frau oder Mann!
In den meisten Familien haben die Kinder eine Mutter und einen Vater, so wie Ihr. In vielen Familien gibt es lediglich eine Mutter oder einen Vater. Bei manchen Kindern bestehen die Familien aus zwei Muettern oder aus zwei Vaetern. Diese Vielfalt ist voellig OK, solange nur die Eltern sich gegenseitig gern haben und ihre Kinder lieben. Die Art der Familie ist eine ganz persoenliche Entscheidung, bei der wir Erwachsenen uns weder von machtgeilen Politikern noch von wahnsinnigen Tempeldienern irgendwelche Vorschriften machen lassen, wen wir wie zu lieben haben. Darueber lachen alle Regenboegen... - In welchen Familien leben Eure Freunde?
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