16 Jul - 19 Jul 2007 Marsa Fijab

Central Red Sea
Republic of the Sudan
Marsa Fijab
SY "Kamu II" at anchor, at 8 m depth, on sand (very good holding); c. 100 m northwest of a very distinctive, big coral head.

Click below for an interactive satellite view of our anchorage:

Logging the sailed distance of about 110 nm between Khor Shinab and Marsa Fijab in about 36 hours.

Puzzling our way into a very protected anchorage in the last bay of Marsa Fijab where almost upon arriving we were visited by two dehydrated local fishermen who asked for potable water and gave us a few fish from their good catch of the day.

Watching the most amazing birdlife surrounding our anchorage: great blue herons (Ardea herodias), grey herons (Ardea cinerea), pink-backed pelicans (Pelecanus rufescens), pinkish white lesser flamingos (Phoenicopterus minor), green-backed aka striated herons (Butorides striata), Western reef herons (Egretta gularis), Eurasian spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia), ospreys (Pandion haliaetus), crab plovers (Dromas ardeola) and many smaller waders.

Click below for a summary of this year's travels

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