10 Jul - 12 Jul 2007 Marsa Hamsiat

Central Red Sea
Republic of the Sudan
Marsa Hamsiat
SY "Kamu II" at anchor, at 12 m depth, on clay and sand.

Click below for an interactive satellite view of our anchorage:
N 21° 41.16' E 036° 53.34'

Experiencing our first, of many others to follow, full-blown haboob (Arabic: هَبوب‎ "strong wind", an intense duststorm) in the Red Sea: 40°C air temperature, 40 knots wind speed, 40 minutes duration, 40 % humidity and 40 m visibility; leaving SY “Kamu II” covered with an all-encompassing thick layer of brown sand - outside and inside.

Click below for a summary of this year's travels
2007 Map Konni & Matt

Click below and see more Konni & Matt Pictures
Photos 2007-05 Central Red Sea

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